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Carlong Practice Papers – Language Arts 9789766382315

For Ages: 10-12 years Dorothy Noel Carlong Practice Papers – Language Arts strongly focuses on the development of the communication and critical thinking skills of grade 6 students to transform them into creative problem-solvers and to prepare them for the Primary Exit Profile (PEP). This tex ...Read more

  • Description
  • Specifications

For Ages: 10-12 years

  • Dorothy Noel

Carlong Practice Papers – Language Arts strongly focuses on the development of the communication and critical thinking skills of grade 6 students to transform them into creative problem-solvers and to prepare them for the Primary Exit Profile (PEP).

This text is the revised edition of Carlong Integrated Practice Tests: Language Arts that is aligned to the new National Standards Curriculum for language arts, and fully simulates the Curriculum-Based Test component of the Primary Exit Profile (PEP). It also integrates other subject areas such as Science, Mathematics and Social Studies.

Key Features

  • 8 test papers
  • Incorporation of all PEP item/question types (order match, table grid, constructed response, multiple choice)
  • Varied activities that will improve students’ skills of expression, grammar, spelling and vocabulary
  • Answer sheets for test papers


Other books in the series: 






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