Jojo's Treasure Hunt

ISBN: 9789766380649

For Ages: 10-12 years

  • Cherrell Shelley-Robinson

Jojo's Treasure Hunt is highly commended in the National Book Development Council's Vic Reid Award for Children's Literature. This novel tells the engaging story of a twelve-year-old boy whose family faces the possibility of eviction from a place they had called home for many years. He decided to search for a Spanish jar full of treasure, which, according to legend, is hidden under a cotton tree in his community. In order to save his family, however, Jojo must overcome his fear of the ghosts guarding the treasure!

Carlong presents to the children of the Caribbean the Sand Pebbles Pleasure Series - a new series of original fiction and non-fiction books covering a wide range of topics, and reflecting Caribbean life, people, places, flora, fauna and culture. It is aimed firstly, at developing and sustaining the reading habit by providing children with relevant, contextually familiar, quality publications which will excite their interest, stimulate their imaginations, broaden their experiences and increase their awareness of their own culture as well as the other cultures of the Caribbean region. The series will also aid composition and vocabulary development by providing good models of storytelling.

Key Features:

  • Sensitize children to the important elements of literary writing.
  • Encourage positive reading habits
  • Broaden children's experiences.
  • Aid vocabulary building, especially in the use of culture-specific words.
  • Provide resource materials for social studies/history and other subject areas



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