Carlong Caribbean Drama for the Classroom
ISBN: 9789766380144

For Ages: 13-15 years
- Keith Noel
The text positions the study of drama in a social and cultural context and explains the development of drama in the Caribbean. The student-centred approach guides students through the creative process of improvisation and play production. Excerpts from Caribbean plays are utilized to demonstrate how writers craft their work and there are detailed studies of two one-act plays. Copious production notes are provided for the teacher/director.
The text delivers a comprehensive coverage of the major areas of focus of the ROSE Drama curriculum for third and fourth year secondary level students. It provides a good foundation for the CSEC examination, and has been placed on CXC's recommended reading list for Theatre Arts as well as on the Jamaica MOE's approved textbook list.
Key Features:
- Explores all the major areas of concern to the teacher of drama
- Utilizes excerpts from Caribbean plays to demonstrate how writers craft their work, e.g. 'Crime of Anabel Campbell' by celebrated playwright Dennis Scott
- Opportunities given for students to create their own dramatic pieces
- Ideal for the ROSE drama curriculum for Grade 9 (Jamaica) and as a foundation text for CSEC
Look Out For:
- A comprehensive glossary of drama terms
- A wide range of exciting activities and exercises
- Copious production notes for the teacher/director