Mind Builders - Test Your Thinking Skills
ISBN: 9789766382124

For Ages: 10-12 years
- Delores O'Connor
- Joyce McKenzie
Mind Builders – Test Your Thinking Skills is the updated version of the highly acclaimed Carlong Further Multiple Choice Assessment Tests – Mental Ability. The book offers 7 test papers of 100 items each, which are designed to stimulate, improve and test the thinking skills of children ages 10–12 years old.
This workbook integrates numerous topics including Venn diagrams, equations, numerical patterns, vocabulary, analogies, antonyms and synonyms, as well as items that test visual discrimination. Students can work at school under their teacher’s guidance, with their parents at home or independently. Answer sheets are provided which teachers or persons administering the tests may wish to remove and keep.
Key Features
- Invaluable practice exercises that will improve students’ critical thinking skills
- Stimulating activities that encourage individual learning
- Ideal for classroom use and extended learning at home
Look out for
- Over 210 visual discrimination items
- Numerous other items based on mathematics, language arts, patterns and logic
- Pull-out answer sheets
- Sheets on which to shade correct answers
Student’s Notes
This book contains seven (7) tests, each with 100 multiple choice items to test your thinking skills. You will also develop speed and accuracy.
These tests will:
- help to improve your thinking skills
- provide practice in taking multiple choice examinations.
There is a ‘pull-out’ section in the middle of the book with answer sheets for the seven tests.
OTHER TITLES FOR THE PRIMARY EXIT PROFILE (PEP): How Smart Are You? Reasoning and Problem-solving