Family and Resource Management for Caribbean Students
ISBN: 9789766381905

For ages: 14-17-year-olds
- Vivene Robinson
- Michelle Gordon
- Jeniffer McKenzie
- Rachelle McFarlane
- Elaine Shakes
Family and Resource Management for Caribbean Students replaces Carlong’s very successful Certificate Management of Homes and Families. This new publication emphasizes the effective use of resources to achieve individual and family goals. Family and Resource Management for Caribbean Students provides full coverage of the topics in the latest CSEC® Family and Resource Management syllabus. It is also an invaluable resource for students doing Home Economics courses in vocational training. Homemakers will also find the text useful in managing their homes on a day-to-day basis.
The material is presented in an easy-to-understand, real-life manner with relevant examples.
Family and Resource Management for Caribbean Students consists of eight sections. The titles of the sections are as follows:
Section 1: The Family
Section 2: Principles of Management
Section 3: Managing Family Resources
Section 4: Consumerism
Section 5: Management of Special Events
Section 6: Work, Careers, Employments Opportunities and Leisure
Section 7: Housing and the Environment
Section 8: Preparing and Serving Basic Sandwiches, Desserts and Beverages
Each section is made up of a varying number of chapters to make the delivery of the content more manageable. The chapters are numbered consecutively across the sections, and, in all, there are 39 chapters.
General objectives are presented at the beginning of each section and objectives specific to the chapter are presented at the beginning of each chapter.
The chapters are liberally interspersed with diagrams, other displays, tables, activities and photographs or illustrations.
At the end of each section is a Section Summary and an End of Section Assessment. The End of Section Assessment consists of multiple-choice items and structured response items.
Key Features
- The design engages users and adds interest to the topics.
- General and specific objectives are listed at the beginning of each section/chapter.
- Figures, images and tables illustrate, explain and simplify key points raised in the chapter.
- Activities provide exercises or projects to help solidify understanding of the topics.
- Case studies provide real life scenarios for discussion and analysis.
- Section Summary at the end of each section helps with reflection and revision.
- End of Section Assessment provides sample multiple-choice items and structured questions.
- Index helps the user to quickly find special areas of interest.